Dr Jason R.C. Nurse is a Co-I on the Supporting and Enabling Effective Privacy Decision Making for SMEs, or, PETs4SMEs project. Jason is an Associate Professor in Cyber Security at the Institute of Cyber Security for Society (iCSS) at the University of Kent, UK. He is also a Visiting Academic at the University of Oxford, and Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI). Dr Nurse specialises in a diverse set of topics including cyber security and privacy culture and awareness in business, corporate communications around cyber incidents, cyber insurance, insider threats, issues of ransomware, and security and privacy of connected environments. He has published over 100 academic and industry articles and has had his research featured in national and international media including Newsweek, BBC, Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, TRT World, ComputerWeekly, Wired, Infosecurity Magazine, TechRadar and The Conversation. Dr Nurse was selected as a Rising Star for his research into Cyber Security and Cognitive Science (Psychology), as a part of the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s Recognising Inspirational Scientists and Engineers (RISE) awards campaign. He also regularly gives keynotes, public lectures and seminars, and has spoken at numerous conferences and science festivals across the world.