Dr Bettina Nissen is a Lecturer in Interaction Design and a design researcher in Design Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. She has a background in product and interaction design and is a well-recognised member of the international design community in Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Throughout her career and since completing her AHRC-funded PhD in HCI at Newcastle University’s Open Lab, she is actively engaged in practice-based research across digital economy, IoT, data physicalisation, public engagement and tangible design methods with a strong human and people-centered focus. Bettina has worked collaboratively on a series of UKRI-funded research projects spanning topics of trust and consent in pervasive environments (EPSRC-funded PACTMAN) and the future of value(s) in the digital economy (ESRC-funded After Money). She has organised public events, such as a TIPS by Design symposium, and developed a series of material design methods and provocations for public engagement and education with technologies and data.