Susanna Alyce

I gained my PhD in Applied Psychology in 2023 from the University of Essex; my research focuses on survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) and their experiences of trust, entrusting and the trustworthiness of service providers. I am currently working as a  research assistant on various survivor-researcher projects and as a supervisor to PhD students working in the field of sexual violence.  I also teach mindfulness (MBSR and MBCT) and body-based approaches (yoga) as mental health interventions.

My research, teaching, and therapy, while supported by extensive professional qualifications, are informed by my own lived experience of trauma-distress as a result of CSA. Alternative routes to well-being have been central to my recovery. I have had a meditation practice for more than 35 years. I also support myself by being actively involved in survivor led and/or trauma focused groups aiming to transform approaches to mental health.