Scoping Workshops

As a follow up to the scoping engagement during the launch event, a set of focused REPHRAIN scoping workshops will take place during February and March 2021 which we hope you will be able to attend.

The overall focus of the workshops is to gain community input to inform the REPHRAIN Map; the aim of which is to give a clearer picture and understanding of the wider landscape and to give a baseline of current-state-of-the-art. The Map will be regularly updated and will be socio-technical, with the ability to drill down into advances that mitigate against particular harms. The Map will form one of the inputs to the upcoming UKRI call on protecting citizens online and also the first REPHRAIN strategic funding calls.

The workshops are focused to particular sectors of the community and you are invited to attend just one workshop at your convenience. This is a key opportunity to provide valuable input into the REPHRAIN Map and to help inform future research.

This workshop will mainly focus on types of online harm, the current state of the art, and the challenges investigating such harm. We learnt from our launch event that the landscape is changing all the time, therefore, we hope to discuss these changes, the new ways of dealing with such harm.

If you have any questions or would like to input / attend, please get in touch with the REPHRAIN team on